Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Two days late...

But what else would you expect from me!

My desire for this holiday season is that my heart and the heart of my family would be focused more on God's provision and goodness to us.  So we are spending time at night remembering all that we are thankful for.  Here's where we've been putting all of our ideas.

That's our leftover Halloween ghost tree. (Thanks for the thanksgiving re-use idea, Heather!) Every night at dinner we take a leaf and write what we're thankful for.  It's been a great way for us to continue to develop hearts of gratitude.

So, to start my blogging 30 days of Thanksgiving, here's what I'm thankful for...

And there are enough of them to make up for two lost days. :)

(Don't be deceived, in the last picture Caleb wore John Patrick's pants ALL DAY. That was his Bible Study outfit today.  Nothing like a little Mommy humility! )

1 comment:

Lissa said...

I love the pictures of your kids!