Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's that time again...

I am getting ready to plan my meals for the week. I love to stock my pantry and freezer when groceries are rock bottom and so it's not unusual for me to plan meals based on what I have on hand. The problem comes in that my Aldi stash has run dry, I'm out of chicken, most of the meals that are in the freezer we have had recently and the meals that I'm craving for the week would require purchasing more groceries than what I would like. It's not going to be pretty. So off to the freezer I go to see what sort of yummy meals I can come up with. My own love of food is often one of the challenges that I have in being frugal. I like to cook what sounds good, not what I've stocked up on.

I'll post the final verdict about what Team Larsen will be eating this week later. My secret goal (not so secret now that I've posted it on my blog) is to not spend more than $50 this week. We'll see what kind of skills I have. Especially considering that I have a husband who eats as much as two men and a daughter who gives him a run for his money. This is where the preplanning rubber meets the road. I'll keep you posted...

Side note: I think we've been stalked by the icecream truck. This is the second time that he's passed our house and he slows down and rings his bell right in front of our house. He speeds up as soon as he passes. Luckily my kids aren't here! We're going to be in for it this summer though.
Why is the icecream truck driving around in February anyway!


Kim @ Forever Wherever said...

That takes some planning, but I think you can do it! :-)

TheCeiba said...

Wow! $50 for the week. Please let me know what you come up w/ b/c I can't even do $50 a week in Honduras!!!! Well, maybe if we ONLY ate beans and rice and tortillas (corn). Love you guys!